JHM has been making Lightweight Crank Pulleys for Audis since early 2009. We developed our first Lightweight Pulley for the B6-B7 S4 then came the B7-RS4 Lightweight Crank Pulley. That was followed by the 6-rib pulley systems we developed for our B6-B7 S4 and RS4 Supercharger Kits. After the release of the Supercharger Kits, we came out with a Lightweight Crank Pulley for the B8-S5 4.2L, then the 2.7T, the 3.0L V6, and the 2.0T FSI. We have also developed a 6-Rib Pulley Upgrade Kit for B6-B7 S4s and RS4s that aren't supercharged.
Following the success of our Lightweight Crank Pulleys and after hearing of several pulley failures on the 3.0T FSI, we decided to come up with two JHM solutions for a failure prone Audi part. We already released our JHM "HD" Lightweight Crank Pulley for the 3.0T FSI engine in July 2015 and now we're pleased to release the JHM "HD" Overdrive Lightweight Crank Pulley for the 3.0T FSI!
If you are looking to run a DUAL PULLEY, AKA Stage 2+ setup with pulley ratio at or near 3.27 check out our NEW One And Done (OAD) 207mm crank pulley. This crank pulley does NOT require a supercharger pulley to get the 3.2x Dual Pulley ratio. This approach also keeps the stock larger blower pulley for better belt grip and no need to install 2 parts. Just install our crank pulley and you are done. You save time/money on labor as well. SKU: JHM-06E105251F-207mm NOTE: Block clearance is required, see our product page for the 207mm pulley for notes and which belt to purchase.
ATTENTION! Don't forget to check out our Heat Exchanger upgrades (HX) when upgrading your pulleys. A faster spinning blower increases boost pressure and heat so upgrading your heat exchanger is a great upgrade for cooler IATs which is safer and helps you make more power as well.
NOTE: This JHM 187mm Overdrive Crank Pulley is an alternative for APR's Ultracharger Overdrive Pulley. However, a current popular modification is to "double up" or run "dual pulleys" which means running a smaller supercharger pulley in conjunction with an overdrive crank pulley. However, following the launch of the JHM Overdrive Pulley has been a flood of other overdrive pulleys on the market that combined with a smaller supercharger pulley will spin the OEM Eaton 1320 Supercharger far outside of the designed efficiency range which can result in a huge loss of reliability and longevity. If you decide to go with a "dual pulley" setup, using the JHM 179mm Overdrive Pulley instead will be your safest bet.
Why JHM HD Overdrive Lightweight Supercharger Crank Pulley?
The OEM 3.0T Crank Pulley is actually two pieces connected by a rubber isolator. The center hub or inner piece bolts to the crank which is joined to the outer by the rubber isolator. We have seen several failures where the inner portion of the pulley separates from the outer at the rubber isolator connection. This leads to a major belt failure and can cause serious damage to the radiator, radiator fans, accessories, and other pieces behind the core support.
Please Note: You will require the following additional parts that are not included in the box:
- 1x 7PK1300 belt for 187mm crank pulley and 56mm-57mm blower pulleys
- 1x 7PK1320 belt for 187mm crank pulley and STOCK blower pulleys